Thursday 28 April 2016

Woman dies in dentist parking lot after removing 16 teeth

A woman died in her dentist's parking lot after getting 16 teeth removed. April Walters, 46, was meant to lose 18 teeth at Southfield Dental Care in Michigan due to an infection.
But the mother-of-one was told towards the end of the procedure that her heart rate was alarmingly high - a staggering 130 bpm. The dentist, Dr Rana Rabban, told Walters' sister Crystal to take her to the hospital. However, when they got to Crystal's car April said she could not breathe and passed out. She was later declared dead in hospital. Walters relies on an oxygen tank due to a number of respiratory and blood conditions, including diabetes, a pulmonary disease, and sarcoidosis - a condition when inflamed cells affect breathing.
Nonetheless, her family insist she was coping with her conditions, which were not life-threatening.
'I just couldn't understand how she walked out happy and fine and just died all of a sudden,'
The family has demanded an explanation from the dentist as they await the results of a post-mortem examination.

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